by taylormj | Jun 20, 2014 | Business, Community, Life, Out and About, Social Media
We work with a lot of local businesses and community organizations that organize local events and try to market those events on social media, like Facebook. In this post, I’d like to show you how to share an event on facebook using an event in Live Oak, FL...
by taylormj | Mar 7, 2014 | Business, Life, Out and About, Uncategorized, Videography
We love sponsoring a local recreation department soccer team (full disclosure: The Boss has 2 kids that play on the team!). But when those kids play we have so much fun watching them learn the game, skills, and lessons associated with soccer: Teamwork, Dependability,...
by taylormj | Jan 23, 2014 | Art, Design, Life
So there’s a pretty common keyboard shortcut that almost every designer uses often (and too often forgets to use). It’s [Command] + [S] Simple. Profound. And a nightmare when you get so wrapped up in the project you don’t use it! This shortcut...
by taylormj | Dec 2, 2013 | Life
We had the pleasure of shooting a family session at the beautiful, Heritage Park & Gardens. Shooting kids is always a challenge, because they would rather be playing, running, coloring, or really anything than being still for a dude with a beard taking pictures...
by taylormj | Nov 15, 2013 | Business, Life, Out and About, Uncategorized, Videography
This week I had the opportunity to participate in a downtown visioning meeting held at in Live Oak, right next door to our office.The meeting was much like many of other meetings I’ve attended about how to develop Live Oak’s potential for economic growth,...
by taylormj | Apr 2, 2013 | Life, Videography
[dropcaps style=’square1′ background_color=”]T[/dropcaps] he best thing about working with cool teenagers is the ability to learn from them. Check out Rhett’s contraption for shooting wildlife.